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Gentle Groove & Creative Dance

Gentle Groove


Wednesday 9:15am- 10:15am

Awaken your body and mind with a Gentle Groove. A class designed for those that wish to ease themselves into moving, we effortlessly dance to build strength, increase mobility and connection with our bodies, in the body that we come with.

Gentle Groove

Blue Mountains - Lawson

Wednesday: 2:45pm - 3:45pm

Awaken your body and mind with a Gentle Groove. A class designed for those that wish to ease themselves into moving, we effortlessly dance to build strength, increase mobility and connection with our bodies, in the body that we come with.

Creative Dance for Young Groovers

These classes is designed for a range of young groovers between 2.5 – 8 years and encourages play, fun, and imagination through sensory experiences and storytelling. Our experienced instructors will guide your little people through a variety of activities.

Move and Groove Adults

Come as you are to move freely and ignite your creativity. Move and Groove is an active movement class aimed at adults who want to get moving as well as find moments of stillness and connection to self and those around them.

Start or end your day feeling wonderful. No experience needed, just an open mind and heart.


8 women in bright coloured t-shirts facing towards the camera. Hands in the air, waving with big smiles on their faces.

Gentle Groove Workshop

Awaken your body and mind with a Gentle Groove Workshop- designed to ease you into movement and help you feel fantastic.

Perfect for adults of all ages and abilities seeking an accessible entry into dance, we effortlessly build strength, increase mobility, and deepen our connection with our bodies, all in the body we come with.

Move at your own pace—there are no right or wrongs, no left or rights. We promise you’ll leave with a smile and a bounce in your step.

No Experience needed.

Saturday 10th August


Move Clinic- Katoomba

Morning re- Treat

in collaboration with Maya Sanctuary

Join us for a Morning Treat every second Saturday of the month.

It is a rejuvenating experience set in a beautiful environment, offering Meditation, Feldenkrais, and Dance with a Potluck Morning Tea.

Designed for locals or passersby alike, we will foster connection to oneself and the community, providing a delightful treat for your mind and body.

Led by professional artists and facilitators- Andre Cardoso, Julian Wong and Renata Commisso. 

No experience needed.

We'd Love to hear from you!

Get in Touch!

Interested in learning more about Renata and Move and Groove? Contact us! Are you ready to sign up for classes, or just have a burning desire for movement? Get in touch today! I would love to connect.

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